A trademark search is: looking to find trademarks (mostly names, icons, or slogans) - registered or in use - that are identical or confusingly similar to the mark you are planning to adopt. (If you’re serious about this, you really ought to hire a lawyer)
You’re looking for trademarks for product or services that are similar to yours. In other words, if the mark you want is being used, what kind of product is it being used for?
If you find an identical or similar mark for a similar product or service - It’s probably time to come up with a new name. This is good! Your search has just saved you a lot of headaches and legal fees.
Here are some important steps in most Trademark searches: (You can start on your own, but again, it's best to get a lawyer’s help with this.)
So that’s your intro to Trademark searches! Fingers crossed on that great name!